A papercut is a everyday thing, something everyone have experienced. It’s not a big deal really, but it can be extremely irritating and even if it’s so small extremely painful. That’s why we choose this name for the things that we produce together.
Small, everyday, irritating and painful.
Race: Pizza (Not yet capable of feeding a family of four)
Homeplanet: Earth
Lives: In a echoing appartment in Gävle
Looks: Like I do
I do this comic (:
I am currently studying comics in the Uneversity of Gävle (HiG), and hopfully with hard studdies I will become better in this
vital subject. Even if I have less time for free drawing now, I still wish this comic to last for many years more.
If you want to ask me anything or tell me something do it!
Race: Cyborg
Homeplanet: Earth
Lives: ALingsås
Looks: Cyborgish
Soulkime, she translates, though work.
And since I'm a quite shy person she takes care of the publicity things. She
suddies to become a nurse, right now (: And I think she will become the most awsome nurse in this world.
Race: I have absolutly no idea
Homeplanet: Probably not Earth
Lives: In his mind
Looks: Strange
Niklas, he corrects everything. My spling, for exmple.
He is also the person who cures my megalomania and hybris
when I need that...
Race: Boyfriend
Homeplanet: Earth
Lives: Kullavik
Looks: Terrific
Philip, always there for me. I miss him terribly much )':
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